Videos That Tell Your Story

When the Psychoanalytic Center of the Carolinas (PCC) asked Group3 for ideas on how to grow its organization and recruit more diverse members, we recommended member testimonials. We started with the plan to do written member stories, and the PCC liked the idea so much, they decided to expand it to include video production services. video production services - headshots of PCC members who participated in testimonial videos

Selecting a diverse and representative subset of members was, of course, the first task. Our purpose required members who could speak to the wide range of benefits the organization has to offer – from training and career development to professional camaraderie to life-changing personal psychoanalytic therapy.

Once we had our subjects identified, Group3’s content marketing specialists developed questions and conducted off-screen interviews for the written member stories. Then our videography team stepped in for the production and post-production of short video segments.



Next, Group3 helped the PCC launch the videos on multiple platforms – through their website, YouTube, social media and email. This gave our client maximum exposure to reach potential new members and to grow the organization’s reputation and brand awareness.

Contact us to find out how you can utilize customer case studies and video production services to have an impact on your business’ bottom line!